It's been so long since I post but my oldest has started school and I'm hoping to have time now. Summer went by so quick and now we find ourselves on the 10th anniversary of that awful day.
Ten years ago this moment I was sitting at my job trying to get in touch with my best friend. My best friend who I had walked thru the doors of kindergarten some 20 plus years before. No phone lines were working. She wasn't answering. Her parents hadn't heard from her. Time dragged by. Finally I was able to find out she was okay. She was walking from manhattan to Brooklyn even though she lived in NJ.
I had just found out days before that after finally getting pregnant after fertility treatment, the baby I was carrying, lost it's heartbeat. That night while fighter jets flew overhead and the smoke came thru put windows from across the bay It also dawned on me, we will be going to war. And my husband would be deployed.
10 years have passed since that beautiful September morning.
And I will never forget.....
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Sunday, September 11, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Trying to get a summer rhythm.
Summer is in full swing yet I haven't found a routine yet. We were away last week and it has left me exhausted. We are heading to the beach this Morning because that's how our summers usually go and I'm trying my best to get into it.
We went to Lancaster PA. It was a great time. Here are some photos til my next post.

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Sunday, June 5, 2011
Tuesday I started a little detox diet. No bread. No Sugar. No bread. Been drinking a ton of smoothies. Doing well but sometimes, Im hungry!!!
We have been so busy with just little stuff yet I feel like I have nothing to write about lately. New patio. End of school and all the loose ends that go with that. Parties.
What has been keeping you busy?
We have been so busy with just little stuff yet I feel like I have nothing to write about lately. New patio. End of school and all the loose ends that go with that. Parties.
What has been keeping you busy?
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Catching up
Beginning of summer feels so busy this year. My kids aren't even in real school yet. Promise to post soon, if not tonight with my summer to-do list!
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Monday, May 23, 2011
Am I alone??
My oldest starts kindergarten in September. To say I have mixed emotions is a understatement. I love his zest for learning. I want him to grow. I want him to make all kinds of friends. But I have to say, the thought of me not being with him every minute is breaking my heart. I have always had homeschooling in the back of my mind. But I know me, I know it isn't a possibility. I believe now that I have ADHD and I know I am not structured enough to do it. Beside the fact that my husband is 100% against it.
So many parents I talk to say they can't wait for their kids to start school. Am I too attached? Will this get better, easier?
I will miss our days at the beach, mornings in the woods. I will miss this
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Things I love Thursday!
Focusing on the positive!
What I am loving this week
* Thunderstorms - one rolling in as I type
* My sons love of learning. They want to know about everything. Makes my heart shine
* The end of the week long rain coming soon!!!!
* The Nook app on my new iPad. I have been reading so much again. So happy. Any book recommendations?
* Coffee (nothing new <3)
What are you loving?
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Does it really take a village?
Within the past year I have had huge change in my life. Not good change, lots of adjustments in our life, lots of tears. Without really getting into much detail, I have had a lot of family "conflict" that has resulted in my family becoming my boys and my husband and my dad. I am from a huge family that has always been close so this is a big, big change for me. Heartbreaking actually. But time has passed and it is becoming our normal.
So that being said, I always have that in my mind...does it really take a village to raise children? I use to think so. I go to my son's schools and I see the aunts and grandmothers bringing and picking the kids up. Grandparents in the food store with their grandchildren. It makes me wonder does every mom have someone?
But I am doing this. I am with my kids all day, every day. My husband works long hours. When he is home he is so good taking them out but I think I feel sad more for my kids. They don't have that big family that I grew up with.
Do you have a support system or do you go it alone?
So that being said, I always have that in my mind...does it really take a village to raise children? I use to think so. I go to my son's schools and I see the aunts and grandmothers bringing and picking the kids up. Grandparents in the food store with their grandchildren. It makes me wonder does every mom have someone?
But I am doing this. I am with my kids all day, every day. My husband works long hours. When he is home he is so good taking them out but I think I feel sad more for my kids. They don't have that big family that I grew up with.
Do you have a support system or do you go it alone?
Hi all. I'm recovering from awful Tuesday I'll be back tonight with a real post!
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Sorry for my little absense. You know, sometimes life gets in the way. We are heading into a week of rain. Makes for some lonnnng days with 2 boys. Anyway, we had a great weekend, feeling very grateful.
I am grateful for....
A husband who works hard so I can stay home with my boys to watch them grow, help them discover, teach them and love them.
The little spot in our yard that will soon be a patio for us to enjoy this summer. Many meals. Many good times.
Herbs that need to be planted.
A few GREAT friends. Because really, thats all you need!!
What are you grateful for today?
I am grateful for....
A husband who works hard so I can stay home with my boys to watch them grow, help them discover, teach them and love them.
The little spot in our yard that will soon be a patio for us to enjoy this summer. Many meals. Many good times.
Herbs that need to be planted.
A few GREAT friends. Because really, thats all you need!!
What are you grateful for today?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Why I love where I live
This is one of the many reasons I love my town. Just blocks from my home. Still can take my breath away!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
What I have learned the past week.
I really don't have 500 friends?!? Last week, after much thought I decided to take a Facebook break. Some family tension was the main reason but I was growing weary of the negativity and political bickering back and forth. I was sure after 24 hours I would be back. But instead of feeling like I was missing out on something, I am feeling so much lighter, so much happier. Interestingly enough, of all those friends I have on Facebook, ya know, my best friend from 2nd grade, the girl I sat next to in 10th grade science, My cousin's cousin...yeah all of those "friends"! Well, anyway, out of all of those people I have only heard from maybe 10 of them since then.
I recently referred to this as "fake friendship" It's easy for them to leave a comment or "like" a photo but the ones that really matter are the ones that pick up the phone to check on you.
Will I go back to Facebook? Oh, Im sure I will. Im just happy I did this. It really put things in perspective for me and now I know how many "friends" I have and I am quite happy about it.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
I had the greatest Mother's Day Weekend! I said to my husband I wanted two things for Mother's Day. A iPad (i dont ask for much..haha) and to capture a bird of prey with my camera! Both were impossible on Friday...well guess not! I love my iPad and take a look at this...
Not just 1 but 2!!! It may sound crazy how excited I am about this but it made me sooo happy!
I had such a great time with hubby and my boys. Just being outside all weekend was so great and we have 4 days coming up of beautiful weather! How was your Mama's day?
Saturday, May 7, 2011
iPad (or happy mother's day to me!)
First post from my new shiny iPad! What is everyones favorite apps?
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Friday, May 6, 2011
{this moment}
{this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo. no words. capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember
If your inspired to do the same, leave a link of your "moment" in the comments for all to find and see.
taken from
taken from
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Things I love Thursday!!!
Focus on the positive will be my mantra a list my friends....
- Mother's Day tea at my son's school today. How fun it was
- Spring! After this winter...enough said!
- Tacos for dinner Happy Cinco de Mayo!!
- a few friends I can trust
- Some "me" time this weekend
- My sons' unconditional love
- My sleeping pup next to me
What are you lovin' today??
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
In a funk...
It happens every year, the week before Mother's Day. This year its many things pulling me down. I lost my mom in 2000. The year My husband and I started trying to have a baby. The next 5 years, dealing with fertility problems and not having my mom were so hard. I wasn't a mom and didnt have a mom. I HATED that day! Then I had my boys. 2 within a year! Now my boys dont know my mom and im sad about it. Don't get me wrong. I love celebrating being a mom because I LOVE being a mom. I just miss her. Alot! She is with me always, I just wish we had her with us.
Tomorrow I am going to my son's school for a Mother's Day tea. He is so excited. I am so excited. I dont get much time with just him so I am really looking forward to it.
Tomorrow I am going to my son's school for a Mother's Day tea. He is so excited. I am so excited. I dont get much time with just him so I am really looking forward to it.
Monday, May 2, 2011

Today has brought back so many memories. Memories of a beautiful, sunny September day almost 10 years ago. Last night we brought the kids to one of the playgrounds here in town. At the park is a memorial for victims of September 11th. My county lost the most people in the World Trade of all of NJ. Traces of smoke came across the bay into our bedroom windows in the days following the tragedy. It was so ironic we picked that park last night, just hours before our President announced that the mastermind behind those attacks had been killed.
The victims have been on my mind all day. I hope the families get some peace from this.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
"The" Wedding

Busy, fun day but now to wash soccer uniforms for tomorrow. Nothing like waiting til the last minute!!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Well, Hello there!
Well, here I am. My attempt at being a mom blogger! Some may ask why..well thats a great question. First of all, I want to journal my childrens' childhood to some degree in words. Sure they will have 100s of photos of them each week of their lives (for real, no joke!) But I would also love for them one day to read my words, my feelings on them when they were small. For them to know they weren't just having fun, I was too.
On that note...Much of the country has been struck with awful storms the past few days. As I sit here and type it has started to pour. I feel like it is just a matter of time before we lose power so I am typing as fast as I can :) My prayers go out to the many who have lost loved ones and their homes in these storms.
On that note...Much of the country has been struck with awful storms the past few days. As I sit here and type it has started to pour. I feel like it is just a matter of time before we lose power so I am typing as fast as I can :) My prayers go out to the many who have lost loved ones and their homes in these storms.
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