Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Trying to get a summer rhythm.

Summer is in full swing yet I haven't found a routine yet. We were away last week and it has left me exhausted. We are heading to the beach this Morning because that's how our summers usually go and I'm trying my best to get into it.
We went to Lancaster PA. It was a great time. Here are some photos til my next post.


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Sunday, June 5, 2011


Tuesday I started a little detox diet. No bread. No Sugar. No bread. Been drinking a ton of smoothies. Doing well but sometimes, Im hungry!!!
We have been so busy with just little stuff yet I feel like I have nothing to write about lately. New patio. End of school and all the loose ends that go with that. Parties.
What has been keeping you busy?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Catching up

Beginning of summer feels so busy this year. My kids aren't even in real school yet. Promise to post soon, if not tonight with my summer to-do list!

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