Friday, April 29, 2011

"The" Wedding

I know Im not the only one! Obsessing, I am! It was truly such a beautiful day and so refreshing to have a day of fun and happy news. Frog woke me up at 6 and said lets watch the Prince Mommy! So we stayed in bed for awhile and watched. Then I joined some friends for a "high tea" It was fun. Got some great news from someone (that i cant say now!!)

Busy, fun day but now to wash soccer uniforms for tomorrow. Nothing like waiting til the last minute!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Well, Hello there!

Well, here I am. My attempt at being a mom blogger! Some may ask why..well thats a great question. First of all, I want to journal my childrens' childhood to some degree in words. Sure they will have 100s of photos of them each week of their lives (for real, no joke!) But I would also love for them one day to read my words, my feelings on them when they were small. For them to know they weren't just having fun, I was too.
On that note...Much of the country has been struck with awful storms the past few days. As I sit here and type it has started to pour. I feel like it is just a matter of time before we lose power so I am typing as fast as I can :) My prayers go out to the many who have lost loved ones and their homes in these storms.